06/02/2013 Sewage system rehabilitation in Gardabani
Deputy CEO of Rustavi Water Company together with other managers of the company got familiarized with the ongoing rehabilitation works of sewage system and construction of 5km sewager colllector in Gardabani on the spot.
Rustavi Water Company has started recently to carry out the first stage works of sewage system rehabilitation in Azizbekov street of Gardabani, in the so-called The Japaridzes’ district. It is planned to rehabilitate and develop Gardabani sewage network and completely reconstruct the two waste waters pumping stations. The pumping stations will be completely re-equipped by the up-to-date pumping units, automatic control installations and panels. As a result of reconstruction each such pumping unit will pump 216 cubic meters of waste waters per hour, in all company will establish 4 new pumps.
It is important, that construction of 400 mm pressure sewer pipelines’s construction in length of 5 km is also planned within the project. With the aid of this pipeline and pumping stations waste waters from Gardabani sewage network will be pumped to Gardabani Treatment Plant and will no longer be spilled into the environmnet.
According to Helmut Weidel, deputy CEO of RWC, with this project RWC and its parent company GGU are fullfilling an important obligation taken under the privatization contract in 2008 and is planning to invest 2,5 mln Gel in this project.
Gardabani sewage system rehabilitation and reconstruction project employes local people along with Rustavi Water Company personnel. The Company will invest 2,5 m lari in this project. The rehabilitation and construction works will be completed by the month April of the current year.
Parallel to the above mentioned works, company has been carrying out pipeline rehabilitation works, water meter installation program and plans to reconstruct 1 existing chlorine station in Gardabani, as well as constructing new one.
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