31/07/2009 Dept restructuring from Georgian Water and Power
From May 20 through July 31 GWP offered the residents of Tbilisi an unprecedented action in the public utility service sphere - Restructuring Program. The company enabled Tbilisi population to restructure the accumulated dept and pay under the Restructuring program:
• The company wrote off 20 % of the total debt amount for customers participating in the program, and the remaining amount was restructured for 3 years.
• The company wrote off the remaining amount for the customers who paid 50 % of the total debt amount immediately
• The company offered other combination of restructurization and dept payment as well.
47 000 customers of Tbilisi participated in the Restructuring Program which confirms that the company’s offer was welcomed by the population.
The company carried out an interactive public opinion poll for studying the attitude of Tbilisi population towards the progress of the Restructuring Program and willingness to pay old debt in general. 1776 residents participated in the poll.
For the attention of those who were not able or were late to repay or restructure their debts, turn to GWP regional service centers where they will offer you favorable benefits.
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