
22/03/2010 GWP and The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania held joint photo exhibition event

On March 22, in connection with International Day for Protection of Water Resources a photo exhibition “2039 – More Than Just Water” was held in Vilnius Square.

March 22 is a day when the world public is once again reminded how important drinking water product is for the mankind and how important is to save and efficiently use water resources.

The organizers of the photo exhibition – Georgian Water and Power and Embassy of Lithuanian Republic in Georgia together with a famous Lithuanian photographer Tomas Kaunetskas do their best to draw attention of the attendees to such global problem as protection of water resources. The interpreted photo performance aims at showing how rash action towards water resources and ecology in general can turn our planet in desert and that it may occur in at least several years. According to them the problem requires serious approach and active discussion.

International experts consider that the existing reality is a concern, as the shortage of drinking water is becoming a global problem. The scientists predict several scenarios for the future, though they agree in one thing – the blue planet is threatened with ecological disaster as a result of senseless action. What the mankind can do in such case?! Only save this invaluable wealth of nature. Water is more important energy resource that electricity, natural gas, oil or coal. There is no economic sector which doesn’t need water supply and human being whose organism consists of 70 % of water needs drinking water most of all. And in spite of the fact that 1, 5 billion of people in the world have critical shortage of drinking water, the mankind has not recognized in full how important the problems related to providing of drinking water are.

Probably our country belongs to those countries where people have never considered the problem of saving drinking water. A lot of our fellow countrymen believe that water resources in the country are inexhaustible and easily produced when saving of drinking water and effective measures related to that are becoming topical.
Together with the invited guests the event will be attended by Joerg Matthies General Director of Georgian Water and Power and Laimonas TALAT- KELPSA Minister Plenipotentiary of The Embassy of Lithuania.         

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