06/09/2015 Georgian Water and Power will Cooperate with American Company AECOM
The leading American company AECOM arrives to Tbilisi on invitation of Georgian Water and Power.
AECOM will assist Georgian Water and Power in elaboration of development plan which will contribute to access of the Georgian company to International Public Offering (IPO).
Starting from 7 September during several days experts of AECOM will provide consultation to specialists of Georgian Water and Power regarding professional and technical issues.
AECOM has been operating on international market for 25 years and it successfully cooperates with governments and private companies of more than 150 countries. The company has implemented many large-scale projects in the areas of construction, transport, environment, energy, oil and water supply.
Georgian Water and Power (GWP)
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26/07/2024 Georgia Global Utilities announces issuance of $300 Million Green Bonds
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