14/06/2010 Missunderstanding for the water debt
Responsibility for missunderstanding concerning the water dept repaynment completely taken by “OSMP”
Missunderstanding for the water debt repainment occured yesterday has not been coused by GWP.
We would like to clarify that one of the operators of immediate payments –“United Systems of instant payments "(OSMP) misled the population, due to technical malfunction of their devices. Particularly: in case of paying any amount for water consumption, subscribers were offered the cancelation of all debts which, in its turn, caused long queues in the city yesterday evening.
Once again, we declare to the population that this was not reasoned by the GWP, and the amount credited shall be written off from their current total debt.
Today GWP’s management discussed the issue with representatives of “OSMP” and received a verbal explanation. They took all the responsibility for missunderstanding
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