24/09/2011 English language courses for children
Georgian Water and Power administrative director Nikoloz Bakhtadze visited Satnoeba orphanage and congratulated youngsters with start of a new academic year with presenting new school inventory. Though among other gifts the most important was the news that GWP will finance one year English language courses for the children. With this acitivity, GWP wishes to support children to deepen their knowledge and develop their intelectualtual capabilities. In order to the teacher, company has contacted several universities and international language houses. Nikoloz Bakhtadze presented thier new teacher to children and handed new English language books kits for each children. English lessons will start from 1 October and will take place three times per week in three groups.
Georgian Water and Power tries to make every condition for children to support their studies in English and in general. “We think that language skills are very important for children and they will use it well in future”- says Nikoloz Bakhtadze.
During these 2 years, since GWP has taken patronage over the orphanage, company has arranged library for children, acquired computers, TV and other important inventories.
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