
22/03/2012 For the Uninterrupted Water Supply of Tbilisi

Georgian Water and Power Company held special briefing today on the occasion of international day of water resources protection.

CEO of Georgian Water and Power Company Joerg Matthies familiarized with the results of all-inclusive works performed for the provision of uninterrupted water supply representatives of mass media and deputies of Tbilisi Legislative Assembly          (Sakrebulo) - Koki Ionatamishvili and Gogi Chachanidze.  He also touched upon the issues related to the arrangements to save water resources and ensure rational use of drinking water along with minimizing the losses.

As Joerg Matthies pointed out presently about 90% of Tbilisi population is supplied drinking water in an uninterrupted mode. It significantly exceeds the Company’s index prior to privatization, which used to make up about 70 %.  Further he noted that in accordance with the assumed obligation by the end of 2012 Georgian Water and Power Company will ensure uninterrupted 100 % water supply of the population within old administrative borders of Tbilisi.

According to the information of the company’s manager the water supply schedule  was cancelled during 2011 and through January 2012 for 139 000 residents of Tbilisi who live in different districts of the capital city, including: ”Varketili 3”, Varketili upper plateau, Zgvis Ubani, Vazha-Pshavela quarters and Nutsubidze III m/r, Kharpukhi and Gorgasali street, Upper Vake, Krtsanisi settlement, Ghrmaghele str; As a result of pre-planned and successfully taken technical measures the Company achieved 24-hours operation of 60 boosting stations of Tbilisi providing unscheduled water supply to 42 000  residents of different districts of the capital city.  The Company charges per capita payment equal to Gel 2,40 to the small part of population still supplied drinking water on schedule.   

To achieve uninterrupted water supply of Tbilisi population Georgian Water and Power Company is acting in accordance with the rehabilitation program spelled out by years and is doing all-inclusive technical works by stages. The amortized networks in Tbilisi streets are being rehabilitated and over 200 kilometers of networks have been replaced. 82 kilometers of Tbilisi networks will  be rehabilitated in 2012.; further there will be reconstructed and updated important water supplying facilities and headworks; regulating pumping stations will be reequipped, water catchment reservoirs will be reconstructed and etc. In parallel with carrying out rehabilitation works the individual metering project is being intensively carried out, which will allow the company to rationalize per capita water consumption, it will also support the resolution of problem related to uninterrupted water supply of Tbilisi. 

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