
23/08/2012 Intensive Rehabilitation Works on Water Supply and Drainage Networks are also in Progress in Vake Ditrict

Today the Deputy CEO of Georgian Water and Power Ltd., Helmut Weidel, together with other managers of the Company, showed Johney Bakuradze, Deputy Head of Local Administration of Vake district, rehabilitation works in Paliashvili street in at Zemo Vake pumping station.

Georgian Water and Power put Paliashvili street, together with several streets of Vake district, on the list of the almost 150 Tbilisi streets depreciated networks of which it is replacing according to this year plan. There are rehabilitated as water supply main networks, so branching. In Paliashvili street there are being replaced 600 m of main water supply network and 1000 m of drainage network, there are being installed 17 new locking-regulating valve, new 17 key well of water supply and 26 ones of drainage.

Except Paliashvili street, at this stage the company is simultaneously rehabilitating underground communications in about 20 streets of Tbilisi, at the same time, rehabilitation works are already completed in 89 streets. It is already fourth year as the works are being carried out in the frame work of the project “Rehabilitation of Tbilisi Streets Main Water Supply and Drainage Networks”.

“Including 2011 we renewed more than 200 km of street networks and this year about 90 km of networks are being rehabilitated. We have reconstructed several important sites, we are constructing new pumping stations, pressure boosting pump aggregates. In the nearest future we shall commission new Vazisubani storage reservoir. All implemented complex works serve single aim – provision of uninterrupted water supply for Tbilisi,” – mentioned Mr. Helmut Weidel.

As to reconstruction of Zemo Vake pumping station, the Company has equipped it with two high-capacity pressure boosters of European  type. “Yesterday the Company connected new type pump-aggregates to the effective water pipeline network. The pumps will work in automatic mode and, in accordance with changes in water pressure and consumption, will automatically regulate necessary amount of water. In the nearest future, upon their commissioning, uninterrupted water supply will be provided to the Zemo Vake those districts, which had scheduled water supply so far – Rcheulishvili, Japaridze, Gegebashvili, Kereselidze, Chovelidze, Gunia, Shanidze, Tergi, Gali, Larsi, Umikashvili, Petriashvili, Kekelidze and Sevastopol streets, also, their turnings and blind alleys,” – said Mr. Omar Gotsiridze, Deputy CEO.

To provide Tbilisi with uninterrupted water supply the Company is constructing 12 new pumping stations. Besides, 50 pump-aggregates are being installed in various districts. This process will be finished before the end the current year.

As the result of carried out rehabilitation works, water supply of Tbilisi population will become more stable, losses and number of emergencies in water supply network will be significantly reduced, which, in certain way, will support uninterrupted water supply for the capital.

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