
13/09/2012 Rehabilitation of water supply networks and facilities are in progress in Temka settlement as well

CEO of GWP Ltd Joerg Matthies presented investment projects carried out in Temka settlement to deputy head of Gldani-Nadzaladevi region administration Davit Gabadadze.  The deputy head of administration and the company’s managers familiarized themselves with the rehabilitation works in progress on the water supply networks, metering process in the high-rises and reconstruction works in newly re-equipped pumping stations on the spot.

Iremashvili street is included in  the list of 150 streets of Tbilisi the replacement of amortized and aged networks of which is being carried out by the company in accordance with the plan of this year.  The main networks and branches of water supply are being rehabilitated on the mentioned streets, 700 meters of water supply networks are being completely replaced , 46 new junction wells are being arranged and 1 closing and regulating valve is being installed.   

In order to ensure continuous water supply of Tbilisi Georgian Water and Power company is carrying out the program of individual metering of Tbilisi population as well.  15 high-rises have been already metered in Temka settlement and the process is still in progress. The company has started arranging individual metering points at the private houses at the first stage and this process was going on in several districts simultaneously. In parallel with installing meters for the private houses residents the company has started arranging the metering points at the high-rises as well. 

As to reconstruction of the pumping station at 2 quarter of 11 m/r in Temka the company re-equipped the mentioned facility with new automated  boosting  pumping unit. It is the up-to-date European type pumping unit, which regulates pressure in accordance with the change in water consumption, in an automated mode. They have been already connected to the operative water supply network. Only by putting in operation this pumping station drinking water is supplied to 3500 customers in a stable and continuous mode.
The company is constructing  12 new powerful pumping stations. Besides in different districts of Tbilisi there are being installed 50 pumping units of automated mode. This process will be completed by the end of the current year.

All complex technical measures of Georgian Water and Power company have one objective – to ensure uninterrupted water supply of Tbilisi, which will be carried out in old administrative borders of the capital by the end of 2012. 

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