At the beginning of XIX century 5 small capacity water supply systems operated in Tbilisi. According to the statistical data of that time the consumption was 4 litres per capita.

1862 is the date of centralized water supply of Tbilisi. A small capacity centralized water supply enterprise, known as Korganovi, was built on the basis of river Mtkvari filtrates, which was the 11th water supply system in the Russian empire. This system existed only up to 1887. The same year Avchala water supply system was built, which was the only centralized water supply system of Tbilisi during 46 years.

From the 80-ies of the 19 th century for the improvement of water supply the attention was drawn to Natakhtari and Bulachauri springs where the exploratory works were carried out by French and German specialists.



From 1929 through 1988 the following water supply systems were built and put into operation:

Natakhtari - 1929-1936
Ortachala - 1944 (Does not function any more)
Bulachauri - 1952-1954
Samgori Treatment Plant - 1952-1959
Saguramo - 1960
Mukhiani and Mukhrani Valley water supply systems - 1976-1982
Zhinvali Hydro Power Plant - 1985
Grmagele Water Treatment Plant- 1985-1988