
19/12/2015 Georgian Water and Power continues taking actions to detect illegal consumption of drinking water

Georgian Water and Power Company detected about 150 cases of illegal consumption of drinking water in November and December of the current year. As a result of the investigation carried out within the framework of the monitoring   it was established that the total cost of the illegally consumed drinking water makes up about GEL 180 000.  


Georgian Water and Power keeps in parallel publishing information  about the organizations illegally consuming huge amounts of drinking water. Among them are two construction companies - R & L Group Ltd charged the administrative payment of GEL 36 345 and GD Group Ltd charged GEL 24 380 for the same.   


Apart from the construction companies  the facts of water plundering were exposed in the entities of various types, including two public eating places of Tanadgoma Ltd and Pekin Ltd (a Chinese restaurant), a hotel of Limelight Ltd, a car wash of  Megobroba Ltd, a warehouse of Shvidi Mta Ltd and etc.    


All delinquent entities have been plundering water via illegal lines. In accordance with the rules established by GNERC each violation was recorded in the individual act and the volume of plundered water was calculated.


Illegal consumption of water by the customers inflicts significant losses to Georgian Water and Power Company. In consideration of the aforesaid the Company keeps taking aggressive measures to detect the facts of water plundering. Besides, the Company   offers cooperation to the owners of all the entities carrying on illegal consumption of drinking water. In case of confession they will be released from fines.  Those owners of commercial entities who wish to cooperate may contact the GWP Hot Line at 293 11 11 or approach the head office of the Company (address: M.Kostava I lane # 33, near Vere Lagoon). Georgian Water and Power will keep confidentiality of information in full. 

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