დაგეგმილი სამუშაოები მცხეთა

For the Attention of Georgian Water and Power Customers

Throughout 2017 year Georgian Water and Power is carrying out the prescheduled technical works important for the stability and uninterrupted water supply of Tbilisi. The works cannot be performed without discontinuation of water supply. For this reason company appeals to the consumers to accept this process with understanding. Georgian Water and Power will make efforts on its part to ease the discomfort caused by the water supply limitation and complete technical works in the shortest possible period of time. All information about scheduled technical works are regularly published in media.

09/07/2023 ხვალ 10 ივლისს ჯორჯიან უოთერ ენდ ფაუერი მცხეთის მუნიციპალიტეტში, მირიან მეფის ქუჩაზე, წყალმომარაგების ქსელზე აუცილებელ ტექნიკურს სამუშაოებს ჩაატარებს.