30/04/2014 Georgian Water and Power Company Geared up for Spring Season

Georgian Water and Power company has been geared up for excessive rainfall and floods. Bad weather conditions are not likely to create any problems to the capital city’s water supply system.  To discuss this issue along with some othe...


28/04/2014 Georgian Water and Power has a New General Director

George Gachechiladze has been appointed to the position of the director general of GWP According to the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company George Gachechiladze has been appointed to the position of the director general. Prior to f...


23/04/2014 Georgian Water And Power“ Hosted the Students Of Medical University at the Central Laboratory

“Georgian Water and Power“ arranged informational and educational tour for the Tbilisi Medical University students today. 25 students of public health department of the Medical University visited today head work of Grmagele and Central ch...


22/04/2014 Special Statement of Georgian Water and Power Company

Special Statement of Georgian Water and Power Company At dawn today, at about 2 a.m.  pouring rain and thunderstorm  caused problems to  Aragvi Gorge and Tbilisi headworks’ proper operation. Thunderstorm resulted in voltage fall...