26/02/2010 GWP technical staff uniforms provided by women's colony representatives
Tbilisi pedestrians can’t miss crews dressed in blue uniforms carrying out certain works in different streets of Tbilisi. These are employees of our technical departments and our company’s logo on their uniforms confirms that.
The main bid requirement of Georgian Water and Power was blue, comfortable, safe and high quality warm uniforms which are fit for heavy load conditions as well as they decrease risk of injuries. Last year on November 20 the company invited bids for making winter warm uniforms for technical personnel of the company. The winner became “Atinati” – a company staffed with prisoners from the women’s colony.
The production of the uniforms has already completed and on February 24, the uniforms were handed over in Tbilisi women’s colony. Joerg Matthies general Director of Georgian Water and Power and Khatuna Kalmakhelidze Minister of Penitentiary, Probation and legal Issues visited the women’s colony for this purpose.
The representatives of the colony who are professionally trained carried out the entrusted work at high level and within the specified time. Under the project 1365 warm and water proof coats, 1234 overalls and 1034 caps were made.
Georgian Water and Power which is actively involved in the social projects gave job for more than 30 prisoners and made a valuable contribution to their professional development.

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