
01/02/2014 GWP Statement

Company Georgian Water and Power is addressing recommendations for its customers in connection with the expecting frosts at the beginning of February in the capital. They advise the customers to pack or provide with heat insulation their water supply and sewerage surface pipes, i.e. open communications bringing water to their taps. Georgian Water and Power advises population of Tbilisi to pack those metering points which have been installed at the yards or open type facilities. 

By doing so the company customers will be able to avoid certain problems and interruptions in water supply, which may cause local emergency shutoffs on the customers’ networks, water freezing in the pipes and water meter break downs.

It is desirable that Tbilisi population who live or work in such private houses, Tbilisi yards and multifamily housing, as well as the part of commercial customers consider the recommendations concerning receiving water from open communications and whose metering points are installed in the yards and open type facilities. 

In addition during frosts Georgian Water and Power will take a strict control over the capital streets where the  networks are obsolete and faults may ocurr. The company Hot Line  - 293 11 11 and technical service will serve under emergency situation for eliminating the expecting damages. 

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