27/02/2014 Program of Billing on a Quarterly Basis, mygwp.ge Web-portal and SMS Notification Program from Georgian Water & Power
Georgian Water & Power company put in place three new projects for the residents of Tbilisi – Quarterly Billing Program, mygwp.ge Web-portal and SMS Notification Program.
For about a month now the metered customers have been able to use the Quarterly Billing Program. The Company has already concluded agreements with 43,000 customers for the purpose of including them into the program and offered them the following flexible form of making out a bill for water supply and sewage services – a representative of the company will take meter reading on a quarterly basis, while the bill for interim period of two months will be made out for each specific customer in accordance with average consumption, on the basis of “estimated billing.” At the end of quarter when the Company’s representative obtains actual meter reading, the billed amount will be adjusted in accordance with the meter reading.
In parallel the Company has taken into account the interests of the customers participating in the program as much as possible and put in place another program for them - mygwp.ge web-portal. It is accessible for each customer, who has concluded an agreement with the Company, via the unique password granted to him/her. The customers affected with „estimated billing“ can sent actual meter reading to “Georgian Water & Power” which will be reflected in the Company’s billing system by default. As a result of that the accrued amount’s adjustment will be carried out on the basis of the meter reading provided by the customer. However the Company’s representative will still take meter reading on the spot once per quarter. All such customers have already received their passwords on the cell phone number indicated in the agreement. For the purpose of maximum protection of confidentiality of data the customers will receive updated passwords on a monthly basis.
“Georgian Water & Power” enhanced by the third project the customer informing means and started sending out SMS Messages since the beginning of February. The project is aimed at informing the population in case of planned or emergency discontinuation of water supply in a streamlined way, by cell phones. Presently information on the reasons of water supply discontinuation and indication of the time of its resumption is being sent out to 45,000 customers. In parallel the Company has been improving the existing database of billing through hotline, quarterly billing program and service centers.
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