
25/03/2014 From March 26 water supply of Ponichala shall become more stable

Water supply of population of Zemo and Kvemo Ponichala shall be more stable and reliable from March 26. Georgian Water and Power is replacing old main networks between 40 Rustavi highway and “Tbilaviamsheni” with new ones. The both of the facilities represent the part of the company’s rehabilitation program for this year.


Today, GWP Administrative Director, Nikoloz Bakhtadze, together with other top managers of the company, introduced the rehabilitation works current on the water pipeline main networks to Giorgi Muskhelisvhili, First Deputy Chairman of Tbilisi Legislative Body. With the purpose of monitoring they visited the reconstruction works in progress on 700 mm main pipeline close to 40 Rustavi highway. The company, in order to commission the facility, is implementing the works of last stage and is connecting new main network to the operating one. The mentioned new network will provide water to the population of Zemo and Kvemo Ponichala.


The facility, located on the right bank of Mtkvari, is on the list of the 70 streets, replacement of old and obsolete networks of which GWP is planning this year. The company rehabilitated obsolete and dangerous section of 700 mm main network on the territory close to 40 Rustavi highway. Total length of the replaced network equals to 900 m. In parallel, on the territory close to Tbilaviamsheni located on the left bank of Mtkvari, the company reconstructed dangerously depreciated section of the same main network. In this case 850 m of the main network have been replaced. Besides, new locking-regulating armature has been installed on the renewed networks.


After replacing of obsolete sections of main pipe with new ones, water shall be supplied to the population of Zemo and Kvemo Ponichala in more stable mode.


The company is implementing rehabilitation works on annual basis in the framework of a large-scale project named “Rehabilitation of Tbilisi Streets Water Supply and Sewage Main Networks”. In the framework of the mentioned project GWP has rehabilitated underground communications in more than 500 streets and completely replaced more than 400 km of the networks. 



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