22/04/2014 Special Statement of Georgian Water and Power Company
Special Statement of Georgian Water and Power Company
At dawn today, at about 2 a.m. pouring rain and thunderstorm caused problems to Aragvi Gorge and Tbilisi headworks’ proper operation. Thunderstorm resulted in voltage fall and the facilities located in Saguramo were temporarily discontinued power supply, as well as the headworks based in Grmagele and Samgori. After the power supply was resumed the main power cable of Grmagele headwork turned out to be damaged which led to the vacuum pump units’ shutdown in Grmagele pumping station. In parallel, two different sections of d=1200 mm IV main conduit failed as a result of water hammer caused by voltage fall.
Georgian Water and Power will mitigate the effects in a timely manner because it has been technically prepared to face the bad weather conditions and consequent problems - the company mobilized emergency brigades and special vehicles in the emergency scenes and immediately commenced the restoration works. Further the company has enough supply of drinking water and manages to uninterruptedly supply it to the population of Tbilisi so far. Nontetheless Georgian Water and Power warns the population that some districts of Tbilisi, in particular some parts of Vake and Saburtalo districts may be supplied water intermittantly in the second half of the day. In this connection the company will provide additional information during the day.
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