
02/05/2014 Population of Nasaguri and Tsinubani will be supplied drinking water during 24 hours soon

Population of Nasaguri and Tsinubani will be supplied drinking water during 24 hours soon

Population of Tsinubani and Nasaguri will be supplied drinking water during 24 hours from the end of July. Both villages are included in new administrative borders of Tbilisi and “Georgian Water and Power” has been carrying out intensive work to ensure 24-hour water supply for them. In parallel, comprehensive efforts of the similar type are being simultaneously taken by the Company in six more newly incorporated settlements.  

Director general of “Georgian Water and Power” George Gachechiladze hosted a member of Tbilisi Legislative Assembly Mrs. Guliko Zumbadze today. He familiarized Mrs. Zumbadze with the water supply systems under construction of the taken over settlements and let her observe on the spot the works performed in Nasaguri village. 

The I stage works have been completed by now at Nasaguri village and nearby Tsinubani settlement and asphalt covering works are underway. According to the design of “Georgian Water and Power” both villages are going to have single water supply system due to their location. A main pressure water conduit of 2,000 m length and 25 mm diameter has been laid already. It will pump over drinking water from Lilo reservoir of 10,000 m3 capacity to the local reservoir of 500 m3 capacity and distribute water to Tsinubani and Nasaguri population through the distribution network.  “Georgian Water and Power” has also completed construction of new water distribution network of 9,000 m length for the population of both villages. 9 closing and regulatory valves are already installed on the main and distribution networks and 250 small wells are arranged on the branches.

The metering project for both villages’ population is being implemented in parallel with laying the networks and will be finished at the end of July together with the water supply system arrangement works of II stage. After the above-mentioned facilities are put in operation 3,000 residents of Tsinumabi and Nasaguri will no longer have problems related to lack of water and 24-hour supply of drinking water will be ensured.

“Georgian Water and Power” will finish the project of ensuring 24-hour water supply in new administrative borders of Tbilisi at the end of 2014, which means that newly incorporated territories of the capital city will also be provided with 24-hour supply of drinking water instead of its scheduled supply.  



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