09/06/2014 Statement of „Georgian Water and Power“
For several days now news has been spread among the population of Tbilisi as if Georgian Water and Power company is trying to withdraw old debts for water supply from certain customers and if a customer refuses to pay, GWP discontinues electricity supply in agreement with Telasi.
Georgian Water and Power company assures the residents of Tbilisi that the spread news is not consistent with the reality and is misleading. Not a single customer (family) in the capital city has been discontinued electricity supply for the nonpayment of old debts for water supply. Such measures are only taken against the customers not paying their current water bills.
Georgian Water and Power would like to ask all the customers to report such cases to the company’s Hot Line (293 11 11) or leave a note on the Company’s official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/georgianwaterandpower?ref=hl.
Please be advised that the debt payment preferential program is still effective within the company and any customer having an old debt can use it - for this purpose you can approach the district service centers.
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