14/07/2014 „Georgian Water and Power“ announced competition for bloggers
Georgian Water and Power company will reveal by special competition the best blogger who will create the blog post dedicated to just one topic - “Water supply system of Tbilisi and quality of drinking water supplied to the capital city.” Georgian Water and Power will reveal and give award to the winner with the aid of competent jury on July 30. One of the most important factors to reveal the winner would be the extent of popularity of the topic confirmed by the visitors of the blog and number of shares.
10 active bloggers are taking part in the competition. Each of them are asked to present their blog related to the water supply system of Tbilisi and quality of drinking water in 3 days term. The contestants who are not limited in choosing the title or stylistics for the topic, are supposed to upload the prepared material on their personal Facebook blog before 16 July and ensure the daily popularization of the topic through sharing on their personal page.
Before creating the blog posts Georgian Water and Power familiarized the group of bloggers with such important facilities of water supply as drinking water quality controlling central laboratory, head works of water supply located in Tbilisi and Aragvi gorge and Zhinvali HPP.
From where and how safely water supply of Tbilisi is carried out; how raw water is processed and filtered; how such product as drinking water is made; is tap water consumption safe for health; how reliable is the drinking water control and does it comply with the world standards – these are the topics related to the specificity and purpose of operation of the water supply system that the specialists of Georgian Water and Power let the contestant bloggers know.
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