16/10/2014 16 best student participants of summer training and employment program became employees of Georgian Water and Power Company
16 best students elicited under the summer training and employment program of Georgian Water and Power will continue to work at the company since October of the current year - stated communication and corporate services director Ekaterine Beridze to the program participant young people today and introduced the newly employed students to them. All 61 student participants of the GWP summer training and employment program, who gathered at the head office of the Company, were awarded corresponding certificates by the head of the HR Department Salome Bezarashvili.
The decision about employing the best students was made by the Company’s management after the termination of the summer training and employment program. They were elicited from the program participant 61 students based on the analysis of their performance. Out of 16 selected students ten have already received full-time employment, three students will continue to cooperate with the Company on as free-lance workers and the rest three students will become paid trainees so that to acquire deeper practical knowledge.
For the purpose of attractin promising and motivated young people GWP took part in JOB FAIR held in May of the current year. After joining the project the Company contacted those higher education institutions as well with whom it has not earlier executed memorandums of mutual understanding. It is important, that the selected students did the training course mostly in technical direction and got involved in the Company’s daily activities. Such actions are aimed at getting the motivated young people interested and facilitating their employment by Georgian Water and Power in the future.
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