03/11/2014 Statement of „Georgian Water and Power“ on the Oncoming of Winter Season
“Georgian Water and Power“ company has started preparation for the oncoming of winter season and some technical measures are being taken for this purpose. In view of the upcoming winter the company recommends customers residing in Tbilisi to pack and winterize their water supply and sewage networks above ground in advance, i.e. the open communication providing water to their taps. “Georgian Water and Power“ also recommends its customers to pack the meters installed in their yards and open structures.
The company’s customers will be able to prevent by such measures some problems and interruptions in water supply that may be caused by freezing of water in the pipes; they will manage to avoid the meters’ fallout due to frost and the customer networks local emergency failures as the problems of such kind lead to the interruptions in water supply as of the particular customers as of the nearby customers.
The company’s recommendation is especially advisable for the part of Tbilisi population and commercial sector living or carrying on business in private houses, Tbilisi courtyards and apartment houses supplied drinking water through open communications and with meters installed in the yards and open structures.
Besides “Georgian Water and Power“ will establish in 2014-2015 winter season strict control over the streets of the capital city where there are obsolete and amortized networks and the emergency failures may occur. The likely failures’ prompt liquidation will be provided in emergency mode by the technical services through the company’s Hot Line - 293 11 11, Facebook page of the company and online chat on the website.
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