12/01/2015 „Georgian Water and Power“ resumed water supply to all the streets adjacent to Javakhishvili ascent
Emergency crews of „Georgian Water and Power“ company have been still mobilized at #21 Javakhishvili Ascent doing intensive work to restore d=500 mm water supply main. Regardless complexity of the damage the Company has already resumed water supply to Kiacheli, Akhvklediani, Sakanela, Ushangi Chkheidze and Marjanishvili streets, as well as to Radisson Blue Iveria hotel.
The company’s Hot Line received a notification about the probable damage on Javakhishvili ascent at 08:54 this morning. A resident of Javakhishvili ascent called the company and notified about water leaking from the wall. The company’s diagnostic group and emergency crew immediately left for the site visit and stated on the spot just insignificant water leakage from the wall. As to the roadway collapse this fact unexpectedly occurred later on. It is remarkable, that company only this morning the residents of Javakhishvili ascent left their notification about the damage on the Hot Line of the company.
The technical works to liquidated damage on the water supply main in Javakhishvili ascent are still in progress. As yet water supply has not been resumed only at the dwelling house in #21 Javakhishvili ascent, but the company promises to resume water supply by 09:00 on 13 January.
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