
29/01/2015 „RWC“ keeps rehabilitating main networks

Rustavi Water Company is carrying out rehabilitation work on 700 mm main pipe feeding Chatma reservoir. Yesterday  evening, general director of RWC  Giorgi Tskhadadze familiarized management of Rustavi municipality with the progress of rehabilitation works on the main pipe in the industrial zone of the town.  Mayor of Rustavi Davit Jikia and head of the legislative assembly Davit Maglakelidze  together with Giorgi Tskhadadze attended the working process of  connecting the newly replaced network to the old main.

RWC, within the limits of the plan for the present year of the projct of  rehabilitation of main networks, replaced an unserviceable section of 110 meters of 700 mm main water conduit with a new one. In parallel the company arranged new wells and installed new locking and regulatory valves.


According to general director of RWC Mr. Giorgi Tskhadadze the rehabilitation works were complicated as the main water supply line crosses Baku-Tbilisi railway main line and required high-tech engineering design and corresponding specialized machinery.  He pointed out that the company did the work in the manner not to prevent the railway traffic as the railway line was crossed with the use of a drilling method. At the same time, 1200 mm steel casing pipe was used  in order to protect the main pipe.


The above-mentioned  700 mm main pipe feeds Chatma reservoir and supplies drinking water to the right embankment of the town – the so-called New Rustavi. Emergency failures occurring on the main pipe from time to time led to the water supply interruptions for the population of the right embankment.  Upon completion of the rehabilitation works emergency failures will significantly decrease on the main network, which will allow RWC to provide uninterrupted water supply for the population.


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