06/02/2015 Georgian Water and Power is constructing new main networks in Javakhishvili street
Georgian Water and Power company starts constructing new main networks in Javakhishvili street. The project plan stipulates complete renewal of the pipes of water supply and sewage systems. Comprehensive efforts are being taken presently in former Elbakidze now Javakhishvili street. Technical service of Georgian Water and Power company takes part together with the town improvement service of Tbilisi City Hall in planning and performing the works. The work progress is controlled by the Coordination Council established especially for this purpose.
According to Mr. Omar Gotsiridze, deputy technical director of GWP and member of the Coordination Council regardless the fact that the cast iron old main network in Elbakidze street was in a good shape, still the Company is replacing all pipes with new ones based on the scale of current works. New network of 700 meters will be arranged with the highest quality factory-made isolated water pipes. The sewage network will also be replaced by factory-made quality pipes. As Mr. Omar Gotsirideze added water supply to the residents of Elbakidze street will not be discontinued in the process of work, because the company temporarily provided their water supply through 400 mm alternative network.
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26/07/2024 Georgia Global Utilities announces issuance of $300 Million Green Bonds
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