09/02/2015 Land mass collapsed again in the fundament of a high-rise under construction near the “Module” Building in Tavkhelidze stree No 1
Land mass collapsed again on the territory of the foundation for the high-rise under construction today evening in #1 Tavkhelidze street near the so-called Module building in Vazha-Pshavela avenue. The land mass collapse caused damage of nearby sewer pipe.
It is the third time land collapses near the Module building. Bani Ltd Construction Company failed again to strengthen properly the construction pit for the high-rise.
Specialists and emergency crews of Georgian Water and Power have been mobilized on the emergency site to restore the damaged sewer pipe near the Module building. The high-rises #78 b and # 76b as well as the office of United Water Supply Company of Georgia in Vazha-Pshavela avenue will be discontinued water supply today from 20:30 for the purpose of performing the necessary works.
The first time land collapsed on the territory of the construction pit near Module building on 1 February, the second time – on 2 February. Both times GWP restored the sewer pipe’s emergency failure on its own.
According to information available to GWP Bani Ltd Construction Company obtained the technical condition for construction back in 2007 and never renewed it. Besides the construction pit has not been strengthened by Bani Ltd in accordance with the technical standards, which also leads to the land collapse and sewer network damage.
Georgian Water and Power will do its best to finish the works as soon as possible and resume water supply to two residential houses.
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