17/02/2015 Georgian Water and Power Ltd. has finished arrangement of new main networks in Javakhishvili street
Georgian Water and Power Ltd. has already finished arrangement of new main networks in Javakhishvili street. Water supply and sewage main pipelines and branches are fully replaced with new pipes. The Company completed the works in, approximately, 10 days.
As Omar Gotsiridze, Deputy Technical Director of the Company, has declared, the new 700 mm network along former Elbakidze rising is made of insulated high quality factory-made steel water supply pipes and the sewage network is also arranged by high quality factory-made pipes. According to Omar Gotsiridze, at the given stage,
the new network is being tested and then, during several days, it will be flushed. And after laboratory control the network will be connected to the common water supply system.
As Omar Gotsiridze mentions, in the course of arrangement of the new network, water supply has not been limited for the population of the former Elbakidze rising as the Company ensured the temporary service through alternative 400 mm network.
Complex works in former Elbakidze rising are still in progress. Technical service of Georgian Water and Power Ltd., together with the City Improvement Service of the Mayor’s Office of Tbilisi, is taking part in planning and fulfillment of the works. The progress of the works is supervised by a specially established Coordination Board.
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