25/03/2015 Georgian Water and Power Ltd is making a statement with regard to behavior of Tamaz Elizbarashvili, the businessman
Tamaz Elizbarashvili, the businessman, did not allow representatives of GWP to install a metering point at the dog shelter established by him.
The representatives of the company visited the site for the first time on March 19 to inspect the quality of meter performance. On the same day they reached an agreement with Tamaz Elizbarashvili’s lawyer – Bezhan Bezhuashvili – that the representatives of GWP would come on March 24, 2015, at 14:00 hrs to install a metering point on the territory of the dog shelter in compliance with article 6 of GNERC Resolution No. 32 (2008). The achieved agreement was violated by Tamaz Elizbarashvili who did not allow representatives of GWP to install a metering point in compliance with the legislation.
As to payment of the cost of consumed water, Tamaz Elizbarashvili’s Dog Rescue and Protection Association is being billed according to the effective legislation.
Georgian Water and Power Ltd. (GWP)
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