29/07/2015 New service – center of Georgian Water and Power company will provide service to the population of Mtatsminda-Krtsanisi district
Service-center of Mtatsminda-Krtsanisi district of Georgian Water & Power company has changed its address. New district office which is now located in #2 Revaz Lagidze street near Opera House will render service to about 48 000 customers in Mtatsminda-Krtsanisi district.
Mtatsminda-Krtsanisi district service-center along with other district offices of the company helps the residents of Tbilisi to solve the problems related to water supply and sewage, such as the registration as new customer, installation of individual metering points, clarification of different issues concerning the water bills, current payments, debts’ restructuring, moving of billed amounts to different addresses, solving the meters-related problems and etc.
New service-center, like other district offices of the company, will continue the debt restructuring program and offer beneficial conditions of the debt repayment to the customers who live in Mtatsminda-Krtsanisi district.
Presently all district service-centers of GWP operate in renewed mode. All conditions have been ensured to render services promptly and in conformity with corresponding standards.
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