27/10/2015 Restoration works of the failed water main in Kakheti highway requires more time than it was planned before
Georgian Water & Power’s technical brigades have been performing the failure liquidation works on 600 mm cast iron water main in Kakheti highway since yesterday. Performance of the technical works is difficult and requires more time than it was planned before because there are several warehouses built above the damaged section of the water main.
In order to start the works the Company’s technical brigades will have to clean a place on the territory of the warehouse premises, dig trench and strengthen the buildings’ walls for safety purposes. Under such situation it is impossible to properly connect special vehicles and the technical personnel has to perform the works manually most of the time.
For this purpose water supply has been discontinued to Varketili third massiv, Kakheti highway, Moscow highway, Bogdan Khmelnitski, Beri Gabrieli (Cholokashvili), Kindzmarauli streets and bystreets since yesterday. Water supply will be resumed tomorrow, 28 October at 08:00 a.m. Before that the Company has been supplying drinking water to the population by special water tank trucks.
The customers have been informed about the water supply discontinuation and resumption by SMS notifications. Detailed information will be available from GWP’s official Facebook page and the website at - http://www.georgianwater.com/ka/gadaudebeli Further any customer can call the Company’s Hot Line ( 2 93 11 11 ) and use the website’s internet chat.
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