05/11/2015 Mayor of Rustavi was familiarized with ongoing rehabilitation works of water supply networks
Rustavi Water Company has been carrying out rehabilitation works in Dilidze and Gonashvili streets of Rustavi for more than one month. The deputy general director of RWC Merab Kandelaki familiarized mayor of Rustavi Davit Jikia with the ongoing rehabilitation works today.
As Merab Kandelaki pointed out about 1000 meters of different diameter water supply networks had been replaced, wells and control valves had been arranged in Gonashvili and Dolidze streets. More than 30 years no water supply system has been replaced in the above-mentioned section. RWC Ltd has been rehabilitating the interquartile streets rehabilitation together with the municipality of the town, in accordance with the detailed project. Following the underground communications replacement in Dolidze and Gonashvili streets asphalt cover will be laid.
RWC has replaced obsolete and amortized water pipelines of about 40 streets in the current year. Rehabilitation of several interquartile water supply networks is planned by year-end which will reduce the losses in the water supply network and support uninterrupted water supply of the population of Rustavi.
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