
25/11/2015 Tbilisi City Council and Georgian Water and Power Ltd. Offer their New Initiative


Tbilisi City Council and new management of Georgian Water and Power Ltd. offer their new initiative. Particularly, with the purpose of effective and coordinated implementation of infrastructure works in the capital, working groups involving representatives of Tbilisi Council, district administrations and Georgian Water and Power Ltd. will be created in each district. In future, the works to be done for improvementation of the infrastructure, including rehabilitation of water supply and sewage networks, the Working Groups will be planning together. The Working Groups shall be monitoring timely completion of technical works.


In compliance with the new initiative, the current works on rehabilitation of water supply networks in Mukhiani-2 settlement was planned by the Working Group involving the representatives of Tbilisi Council, Gldani district administration and Georgian Water and Power Ltd. Today, Mamuka Kikalishvili, Chief Operating Officer, introduced the works to Gldani district majority deputy Ketevan Jokhadze and Gldani district Head of Administration Besik Kartsivadze on-site.


In Mukhiani-2, located in new administrative boundaries of Tbilisi, Georgian Water and Power Ltd. is arranging new water pipeline distribution networks and branches. In total, 650 running meters of new networks are already arranged in the settlement, 10 modern water pressure regulators, 22 new locking-regulating valves and 35 neutral wells are installed. Current rehabilitation works are at completion stage. As the result, in the shortest period, population of Mukhiani-2 shall have significantly improved water supply.


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