
07/12/2015 Construction of Saguramo HPP gets underway

Vice premier/minister of energy Mr. Kakha Kaladze and CEO of Georgian Water and Power Company Mr. Giorgi Tskhadadze attended a ceremony of official opening of construction of the hydroelectrical power plant in Saguramo village of Mtskheta municipality.

Rated capacity of Saguramo HPP will be 4,4 MW, while annual electric power production - 32 m kWh. Commissioning of Saguramo HPP is scheduled by the end of 2016 and GWP will invest in it GEL  10,5 m.

 The Company has already obtained a permit for environmental impact and the construction preparation work is underway – the turbine hall construction and pressure and diversionary pipings installation.

 The turbine, generator and accessories will be produced by Austrian company of  ANDRITZ HYDRO SAS.  

The HPP will operate with equal capacity throughout the year making it possible to decrease winter deficit.  


It will be possible to treat in the future clean water transmitted through the HPP and use it for Tbilisi water supply purposes.


“ We welcome the fact that local businesses have become very active in recent years in terms of implementation of the power sector-oriented projects. It is definitely caused by our efforts to simplify a number of regulations and ease the process of making investments. And we are proud that along with the international investors who have keen interest in making investments in this sector Georgian businessmen are also actively involved. Each of our compatriots associates Saguramo with the name of Ilia Chavchavadze, who had been advocating for the progress of our country and its future.

Environmentally sound HPP equipped with up-to-date technologies is a confirmation of the ideas and aspirations of our forward-looking public figures for past two centuries. I would like to thank all those people who have been participating in this project since its early days and those who will take part in its implementation in the future. There are no big and small services to the country. Anything done for the benefit of people even for a couple of them is a component part of one big common goal. We are constructing a successful country, successful Georgia! – said Kakhi Kaladze.

Ministry of Energy of Georgia

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