04/01/2016 Water pipeline damage was caused by sanitary zone violation
Water supply main pipe was damagedin Ikalto hill, Saburtalo yesterday evening, which led to the water supply discontinuation in Saburtalo and Mtatsminda districts for the short period of time, while part of Vake district remained disconnected till 6 am. It was caused by the violation of the sanitary zone. "Georgian Water and Power" company managed to eliminate the most complicatedfailure in a short time, while in Vake district the water supply was restored at 6 am.
Private houses, concrete walls and other domestic buildings are built over the 700 mm main in violation of the technical standards which have led to the deformation of the steel main pipe over the years and finally to its failure.
GWP has identified across the capital city those districts where the sanitary zones are violated along the main pipes and furnished written warnings about the expected risks to the major part of the population. Such violations, which are particularly abundant in Vake-Saburtalo and Gladani-Nadzaladevi districts,interfere with the proper operation of the water supply system and expose to the risks public safety. In order to identify and cure the problematic districts Georgian Water andPower will approach the district administrations andcooperate closely with the City Hall.
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