05/01/2016 Georgian Water and Power Expresses Gratitude to its Employees
On January 3, this year, the water pipeline on Ikalto hill was disrupted. Private houses built without observing any technical norm, concrete walls and other household structures caused deformation of 700 mm pipe and its damaging within time.
Immediately after notification, emergency crews # 31 and 32 of Georgian Water and Power went to the location. Due to complexity of the place, technical works in the depth of the ground were, basically, carried out manually. The crews were working during 6 hours on Ikalto hill in severe meteorological and technical conditions. Welding of the damaged pipe turned out to be the most difficult as the network was not completely empty.
In order to restore the damage it became necessary to get into the pipe. Therefore, the welders cut a window on the pipe. Vazha Kadagishvili and Otar Tatikashvili, on January 3, at night, in the conditions of 9 degrees below zero, standing in water, carried out the most complicated work and as the result water supply of the city was restored in much shorter period than it was possible.
Leading welders of emergency crews over many years of working for the company, resulting from specificity of their work, permanently have to work in risky conditions, but they are devoted to their job, they have carried out similar works several times and are distinguished with their high professionalism and sense of responsibility.
Georgian Water and Power expresses its gratitude to the employees of emergency crews # 31 and 32 and thanks personally Vazha Kadagishvili and Otar Tatikashvili for the work done on January 3, 2016 on Ikalto hill.
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