
04/05/2016 6 Lies of Sulfur Baths

 Mr. Imeda Dvaladze,  legal counsel of Georgian Water and Power held a press conference at the company’s head office dedicated to the legal proceedings initiated against the Tbilisi sulfur baths.

The legal counsel dwelt on the significant details of the dispute and replied to the frequent allegations  made by the sulfur baths representatives through media and social networks  in recent times.

Mr. Dvalidze pointed out 6 lies, appealing to which the baths’ representatives are trying, in his opinion, to mislead the community, including the media, court and authorities.

Lie N1

GWP is a monopolist taking advantage of its position.

Answer to #1 Lie:

  • The company is a so-called natural monopoly existing as such due to specificity of the service it provides.
  • The operation of the company is strictly regulated by the legislation, GNERC and antimonopoly policies.

Lie N2

GWP seeks to promote the baths’ business “capturing” by other people.

Answer to #1 Lie:

  • The point is a dispute between the business entities about the payment of outstanding debt.
  • Claims of the company are in full concordance with the legislation and the chief demand is execution of the law.

Lie N3

Tariff has been increased for the baths since February 2015.

Answer to #3 Lie:

  • The tariff has been decreased rather than increased – and it makes up now 85 tetri instead of 90 tetri.
  • In the context of the baths the point is that the accounting has been adjusted. Therefore the waste waters’ flow metering has increased since February 2015, not the tariff.

Lie N4

New water bill makes unprofitable  the baths’ business.

Answer to #4 Lie:

  • The baths will pay per month GEL 5000 on the average for the service provided by the company. Can it be true that the additional GEL 5000 “destroy” the whole business model?
  • The baths pay about the same size bills for sulfur waters, electricity consumption and other services. Why only the GWP bill is of crucial importance and why GWP is the only company to take into account business interests of the baths unlike the other providers of services?

Lie N5

The baths pay their bills even when they stay idle.

Answer to #5 Lie:

  • The baths business is oriented at providing twenty-four-hour service. And if  they fail to use the resources at 100 % load it is a normal business risk typical of the baths.
  • GWP also supplies 24-hour service to the baths and incurs corresponding expenses.  

Lie N6

The payment of accumulated debt will cause the baths to go bankrupt and they will fold up!

Answer to #6 Lie:

  • GWP offers the debt restructuring plan to the baths and is open for negotiations!
  • We are interested in the existing problem resolution.


As Mr. Dvalidze explained  the civilized relationship provides for or implies that the sulfur baths’ owners have either to put up with the reality or to accept the goodwill of Georgian Water and Power and set their mind on discussing the debt restructuring issue or appear at the court with their arguments (if any).


Everything else,  whether the protest actions with the support of the baths’ personnel, the threats to fold up the baths and et cetera, represent just the blackmail attempts.   


But our company is beyond blackmail and no resolutions are made under the threats of blackmail. There is the only truth which is not on the side of the baths’ owners. Right for this reason the opponent party who lacks arguments seeks to evade it and mislead the community – points out the legal counsel of Georgian Water and Power Imeda Dvaladze.

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