06/06/2016 Mass Media Representatives Visited Georgian Water and Power Facilities
On June 4 representatives of “Palitra Media” and Media Holding “Commersanti” visited Georgian Water and Power facilities.
Within the framework of the visit the guests visited Central Chemical and Microbiological Lab and Grmagele Filter Plant, where raw water is treated and brought to drinking product.
Mass media representatives visited Zhinvali reservoir, Natakhtari water supply system, Saguramo pumping station as well as construction process of Saguramo HPP.
The company representatives hosted representatives of “Kviris Palitra”, “Interpress News”, “Business News”, TV “Palitra News”, magazine “Gza” and radio “Commersanti”.
During visiting the company facilities, representatives of Georgian Water and Power familiarized the mass media journalists with the process of water supply of the capital.
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