09/06/2016 „Report to Tbilisi“
Georgian Water and Power Company is about to launch a new campaign – stated the director general of GWP Mr. Giorgi Tskhadadze.
GWP announced a new campaign of Report to Tbilisi within the framework of which the management of GWP will report to the population of Tbilisi on a regular basis.
According to Mr.Tskhadze the company will present to the population the implemented and planned specific projects both in water supply and power systems.
The company is definitely doing a huge work involving participation of more than 2300 people. Our responsibility is too high – to supply drinking water to the population of the capital city, to more than 472 thousand customers in an uninterrupted mode, during 24 hours. It is obvious that our customers, the population of Tbilisi, shall be made aware of the details of the Company’s plans and possibilities – says Tskhadadze.
The first account of GWP Report to Tbilisi is scheduled for tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. at the company’s head office.
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