30/06/2016 Media Tour of Georgian Water and Power Facilities
Media representatives surveyed GWP facilities today, June 30.
During the Media tour the journalists visited Ghrmaghele filter station, Saguramo pumping station and the laboratory, where the water analysis is being conducted in 24- hours mode.
Representatives of Maestro, Rustavi 2, the First Agency, Caucaspress, The Georgian Times, The Banks and Finance, Rezonansi, Info 9, Reportiori attended the tour.
The guests also visited the construction process of Saguramo HPP the completion of which is scheduled for October of the current year.
Media representatives surveyed Natakhtri water catchment facility, Misktsieli infiltration areas and Zhinvali water reservoir.
The company's oldest employee Nicholoz Kakushadze, who has been part of the company since 1973, familiarized the guests with water supply process.
GWP will carry on arranging such informational meetings in the future.
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