04/07/2016 Georgian Water and Power Company and the Innovation and Technology Agency Announced the Winners of Employment Forum
Today, on July 4 GWP and Innovation and Technology Agency announced the winners of Employment Forum.
I place - the best project team - "Gambusia" (Agricultural University of Georgia)
II place - the team of "Innovators" (TSU, GTU)
III place - the team of "FOGY" (University of San Diego)
About 400 students and graduates from various higher educational institutions majoring in technical and natural sciences as well as job seekers registered in the information system of the labor market management of the Social Service Agency (www.worknet.gov.ge) participated in the Employment Forum.
15 working groups together with GWP mentors have worked on the innovative ideas in the field of water supply and made presentations of their projects;
The jury nominated three winner teams with the most innovative ideas.
The jury consisted of General Director of GWP George Tkhadadze, operations director Mamuka Kikalishvili, communications director Ekatereine Beridze, Chief Financial Officer George Vakhtangishvili, professor of electrical and computer engineering and systems of Agricultural University Akaki Paghava, and head of the labor and employment policy department of the Ministry of Health Elza Jgerenaia.
The winners will be awarded cash prizes from GWP and join a three-month internship program of the Company with further employment prospect.
In the period of internship the winners will be paid scholarship of GEL 150 per month within the framework of the State program for the job seekers training/retraining and career enhancement.
GWP will continuously implement similar projects for the development of experts in the field of water supply.
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