
15/07/2016 Georgian Water and Power Company makes weekly report to the population of Tbilisi


On July 9 graduates of the first stage of GWP Academy together with their mentors saw around the facilities of Georgian Water and Power company.


35 students of the Academy visited Grmagele filter station, Saguramo pumping station and the laboratory. During the tour they also surveyed Saguramo HPP, Misaktsieli infiltration areas and Zhinvali HPP.

The work to put in operation Saguramo HPP, a new hydropowerplant of GWP, is at active stage. The company has completed hydroelectric power station turbine generators and other technical equipment installation works.


Saguramo HPP will be commissioned in October and ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity to GWP head works and pumping stations.

The company continues to work on rehabilitation of the streets of Tbilisi.  

50 running meters of sewerage pipe and one kilometer of water supply pipe were replaced during the current week in Chechelashvili street of Chughureti district.  


Rehabilitation of one kilometer section of the water supply network from funicular to Tsavkisi was completed in Mtatsminda district.


Rehabilitation of 900-meter section of water supply network in Chirnakhuli street of Samgori district is about to be completed.  


Rehabilitation works of 300-meter section of water supply network in Avchala 2 and 400-meter section of the same in Baratashvili street of Gldani village are also nearing the completion stage. 


Georgian Water and Power company will perform rehabilitation works in 140 streets of Tbilisi within 2016 and more than 100 kilometers of the network will be replaced. 



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