20/07/2016 "Georgian Water and Power“ will hold press conference tomorrow July 21
GWP will arrange a regular press conference within the Report to Tbilisi project at 13:00 tomorrow, July 21.The press conference will be dedicated to current investment projects of the company and construction of Saguramo new hydro power plant.
Head of investment policy department Mr. Guram Akhvlediani and head of business development and investor relationship department Mrs. Tina Simonishvili will hold the press conference.
The press conference will take place at 13:00, July 21,
Radisson Hotel, #1 Rose Revolution Square,
#2 Ball Room.
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26/07/2024 Georgia Global Utilities announces issuance of $300 Million Green Bonds
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24/11/2023 Საოპერაციო ცენტრები წყალმომარაგების სერვისების მართვის ევროპული მოდელია - ხოსე მიგელ სანტოსი, gwp-ის გენერალური დირექტორი