04/08/2016 Construction of Saguramo new hydropower plant completed
Construction of Saguramo new hydropower plant has been completed. The power plant commissioning works moved to the active phase.
Main generator hall of Saguramo HPP is arranged by this time and the turbine generators and transformers manufactured in Europe are installed. Installation of the power plant control panels is nearing its final stage.
Construction of Saguramo HPP is aimed at improving energy efficiency of the company and ensuring uninterrupted water supply of the capital city.
The company invested GEL 10.5 million to construct Saguramo HPP with high quality technology. About100 people are involved in the project.
Saguramo HPP coming into operation and connecting to the unified energy system of Georgia is planned for the beginning of October, which will secure uninterrupted power supply to GWP headworks and pumping stations.
Construction of small, "green" or environmentally friendly power plants of this kind is an important step for the country to achieve energy independence.
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