26/04/2010 Lecture in AIESEC
On April 25 Chief Executive Officer of Georgian Water and Power participated in a one day national conference under the name of “NLDS 2010” held at Free University of Georgia which was organized by AIESEC Georgia.
The same day Joerg Matthies delivered a lecture on the importance and development of leader skills for those 150 students who had participated in AIESEC exchange program and returned to Georgia.
“AIESEC is the biggest youth association and it is an international platform for the youth to display and develop leader skills and have positive influence on the society in future. Such conferences and lectures will facilitate activization of the youth and developing leader skills in them, as well as their formation as active members of the society” – stated Joerg Matthies General Director of the company.
The professors of the leading universities and representatives of different nongovernmental and corporate organizations delivered lectures at the conference as well.
AIESEC was founded in Europe in 1948 and at present it unites more than 40 000 students from 107 countries. AIESEC Georgia joined international network in 2006 at the presidents’ meeting held in Rotterdam.
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