
02/10/2018 Georgian Water and Power commissions Bodorna Hydro Power Plant

Georgian Water and Power LLC has successfully completed one of the most important projects of the year. The company on 2nd October, commissioned its 2.5MW Bodorna hydro power plant (”HPP”) in the village of Bodorna, Dusheti municipality.


The opening ceremony speeches were delivered by Natia Turnava, Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Irina Milorava, Chair of the National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission, Archil Gachechiladze, Executive Director of GGU, and Giorgi Tskhadadze, General Director of Georgian Water and Power.


The chairman and members of Tbilisi City Municipal Assembly, the Governor of Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region, the Governor of Dusheti, representatives of the business sector, experts of energy and economics and Technical Director of GUGLER, Austrian supplier of water turbines, attended the opening ceremony of Bodorna HPP.


2.5MW HPP was commissioned on time and within budget and is expected to have average annual generation of  15 GWh. Georgian Water and Power invested GEL 10 million in construction works, financed through a long-term loan facility obtained from the Dutch (FMO) and German (DEG) development banks.


Electromechanical turbines and the generator installed at Bodorna HPP were manufactured by Austrian company GUGLER, the leading supplier of water turbines. The construction works were carried out by local companies - "Piramida" and "Georgian Water Project". The construction process was supervised by Swiss company "Stucky SA".


Bodorna HPP is also important in terms of creating new jobs in the region - more than 50 people were employed for execution of the project.

Bodorna HPP is another renewable energy project developed by GGU, which supports the overall development of energy market in Georgia and contributes to the achievement of energy independence of the country.


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