01/06/2010 Gifts for inmates of children’s home “Satnoeba” from GWP
On the occasion of the International Children’s Day, children’s’ home “Satnoeba” received guests from GWP.
The working day of Mr. J. Matthies, Chief Executive Officer, began with the visit to children’s home “Satnoeba”, located in Africa settlement, Tsiskarishvili St. N5, being under the patronage of GWP for one year already.
Greeting the children in the name of the company, Mr. Matthies gave special gifts (illustrated encyclopedia, publications on ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology, fictions, up- to-date computers, tables, armchairs and book shelves) to 45 inmates of the children’s home.
According to Mr. Matthies, the gifts aim at extending knowledge of the children and their intellectual development.
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