
21/10/2010 Zhinvali Hydro Power Plant celebrating 25 years

In 2010 Zhinvali unique hydrocomplex celebrated 25 th anniversary since its putting into operation. 

Today in connection with this remarkable date the company, which has been managing the hydrocomplex since May 2008,  held an anniversary event in Zhinvali.

The official part of the ceremony was held in the administrative building of the complex. Joerg Matthies General Director of Georgian Water and Power opened the ceremony with a welcoming speech. He told about the importance of Zhinvali hydro complex, its role in Tbilisi water supply and reconstruction and rehabilitation works carried out at the hydro complex after privatization of the company. As Joerg Matthies mentioned the company focuses its attention on safe and reliable operation of the main hydraulic work of the complex. Reconstruction works carried out in 2008 – 2010 increased the reliability of the hydro complex considerably, which had a positive impact on Zhinvali HP generation. According to him power generated by Zhinvali HP has reached a record figure for the last two years.

Minister of Energy of Georgia Alexander Khetaguri congratulated Zhinvali hydrocomplex employees with anniversary and he talked about the significance of the hydro complex.

After the speech Alexander Khetaguri and Joerg Matthies presented different awards to the distinguished employees of the hydrocomplex.

The representatives of executive and legislative authorities of Georgia, Tbilisi mayor’s office and legislative assembley (Sakrebulo), international and nongovernmental organizations, diplomatic corps accredited in Georgia, as well as representatives of scientific and engineering intelligentsia, distinguished power engineering specialists, power companies, banking sector and mass media were invited to the ceremony.

Before the official part of the ceremony the guests visited a newly built Church of Ascension of Cross which is an exact copy of XI – XII century shrine which was drowned in the reservoir 25 years before.

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