
22/03/2011 World Water Day

Georgian Water and Power company invited the members of students NGO of Green Club and deputies of Tbilisi Sakrebulo in Aragvi gorge, Natakhtari headworks on the occasion of International World Water Day.  

General director of Georgian Water and Power company Joerg Matthies and other representatives of the company familiarized the guests with newly rehabilitated facility – the Natakhtari water supply system water collector and explained them the principles of its functioning. Full rehabilitation and reconstruction of the water collecting chamber was finished by the Company at the end of 2010 year.

General director of Georgian Water and Power company Joerg Matthies and other representative of the company familiarized the guests with newly rehabilitated facility – the Natakhtari water supply system water collector and explained them the principles of its functioning. Full rehabilitation and reconstruction of the water collection chamber was finished by the Company at the end of 2010 year. Besides the Company specialists will provide exhausting information related to the saving of water resources and the necessity of rational use of drinking water.

The first unique siphon aqueduct in Georgia and water collecting chamber  started in 1929 and was commissioned in 1933. The highest quality drinking water from Natakhtari springs is supplied by gravity flow to Tbilisi via Natakhtari water collection chamber. .

After sightseeing the GWP specialists gave brief overview to the students and other guests about the Company’s technical infrastructure, described the water supply system, its parameters and technological cycle of water resources extraction and treatement, transportation to Tbilisi and distribution among the consumers.   The Company’s specialists emphasized the necessity of saving water resources and using them in a rational way, so that water losses and damages are minimized; further they provided them with exhausting information regarding individual metering as the best time-tested method  for rational use of drinking water. Positive sides and fairness of the principal underlying the metering were also pointed out – a customer who has installed a meter saves both his budget and drinking water. Therefore such customer pays exactly the amount corresponding to consumption and ensures that domestic sanitaryware is in good order inside the flat. At the same time the metered customer perceives drinking water as a product to take care for and save. 


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