02/06/2011 Presents for Satnoeba orphanage
GWP has visited orphanage Satnoeba in Africa today.
Nikoloz Bakhtadze administration director of GWP congratulated children with world’s children day and presented 45 youngsters with sport shoes, T-shirts, summer shoes and bags for girls.
Company has also made one general present for children – sponsoring of English language lessons during 1 year. According to Nikoloz Bakhtadze this will support the intellectual development of each child and help them deepen their knowledge. GWP will address different universities to find suitable English teacher for children. Lessons for kids will be held three times per week.
GWP will also sponsor the concert organized by the children and their teachers, which will be held at the end of June. GWP has been patronizing the Satnoeba children’s home for two years.

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